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Bikes 4 Africa
enables better access to education for children in remote parts of Africa.
Schools there are few and far between and the distances children need to walk to reach school can be vast.
For many, that walk to school is extremely arduous and for others totally impossible.​

It is only by getting to school -
by completing a basic education -
that permanent positive change can happen.
And that change, when it does happen, affects
the children directly
their families profoundly
their communities definitely
and, given time, their countries ultimately
As a result, in the years ahead, the perpetuating cycle of daily challenge and struggle is ultimately ended.
Thanks to one simple, easy to maintain bicycle, propelling one young person to a life of positive change - for the good of everyone.
And that ONE bicycle ALSO affects positive change for so so many others, along the way.

These young children are the future of Africa. If that future is to be what everyone wants, then these children need to be the drivers for that future. But, to be our future Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Writers and Entrepreneurs, they need their education now
- education they rightfully and richly deserve.
To learn more about this international transformational programme
and how you can, like us, CHANGE LIVES
- check out:

Bikes4Africa is at the centre of our chosen Social Involvement Programme
Our programme is run and managed as a Corporate Cause Combination
It is a commercial programme with an added Social Involvement Purpose
We think - it is the model of business to come!
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